Breville vs Keurig Coffee Makers

October 15, 2021

Breville vs Keurig Coffee Makers

Are you having a hard time deciding which coffee maker to buy? Do you want a coffee maker that can brew your coffee in seconds? Are you torn between the Breville and Keurig coffee makers? Well, worry no more as we’ll provide you with a factual comparison between the two coffee makers.

The Similarities

Let’s start with the similarities between the Breville and Keurig coffee makers. Both coffee makers are made of high-quality materials, making them durable and long-lasting. They come with different programmable settings, allowing you to customize the flavor and strength of your coffee. Additionally, they have removable water reservoirs, which makes filling and cleaning them much easier.

The Differences


When it comes to capacity, the Breville coffee maker has an edge over the Keurig coffee maker. The Breville coffee maker can brew up to 60 ounces of coffee, which is equivalent to 12 cups, whereas the Keurig coffee maker can only brew up to 48 ounces of coffee, equivalent to 9 cups. Therefore, if you need to brew a large amount of coffee, the Breville coffee maker is the better option.


The Breville coffee maker uses a drip-style brewing method, which allows the water to flow evenly through the coffee grounds to extract the maximum flavor. On the other hand, the Keurig coffee maker uses a single-cup brewing method, where you place a pre-packaged coffee pod in the machine, and it brews your coffee in seconds. The Keurig coffee maker is an excellent option for those who are always on-the-go and need their coffee fix fast.


The Breville coffee maker is generally more expensive than the Keurig coffee maker. The price difference can be attributed to the high-quality materials used to make the Breville coffee maker, as well as its superior brewing capability.


In conclusion, both the Breville and Keurig coffee makers are excellent options, depending on your needs. If you need to brew a large amount of coffee, then the Breville coffee maker is the better option. However, if you need a coffee maker that can brew your coffee in seconds, the Keurig coffee maker is the better option. As for the price, the Breville coffee maker is more expensive than the Keurig coffee maker.

We hope that this comparison article helped you in your decision-making process. Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy your cup of coffee!


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